where is my mind?

Their tug-o-war for war
as if their world was ended
what makes me flickering
through all those years
by looking back
as if my brain was mended
Medusa's head with snaky wired hair
weird thoughts in plaited bundles
combed to a single streak
which is not mine
but their false history
to keep
where is my mind?

Cannot see any reason
just feel my lips and hair
sprouting in abundance
and so geared up to share
the undefined the many
their fury never told
unravelled in the plenty
a narrative untold

Of years gone by not stolen
in retrospective glance
of mazes, snakelike futures
of stories in advance and voices
to be mattered and words to set
them free the echoes of our battles
of lives and ways to be.

The mind’s adrift and weaponed
spiked with Medusa’s mane
woven by all what’s happened
twisted in memory
an intricated pattern
a labyrinthic maze
of interwoven stories of finding
many ways of daring to the open
of darting in the haze
of boundless heedless hoping
to bridge the retro-craze

elyxx © 2024


This peripety of loss—
as if we were all swamps,
uncentered, ruminating,
frogging round the holes.

And us are them,
with horns and cloven hooves,
made from earth
and silky-skinned,
maned, walking tall.

And us are them,
with scales and light outgrown,
evolving out of space,
in broken sequels.

And us are them,
spilling from time,
out of the Anthropocene—
scaled, feathered,
mortal, coiled.

And us are them,
at nightlong rabbit raids,
foxed, martened sly,
in instinct slings,
buzzed, dashing,
of this single
that is


elyxx © 2024

Foto © Mohammad Abo Shukur
Recital at "Poetry for Pride" WUK, June 12, 2024

im netz